Walsall update 09/09/2024
Thank you so much for donating to our Crowdfunder campaign. Collectively, we’ve now received over £22,000 in donations, which is already helping with wildlife recovery alongside the clean-up operation that has been going on in the area.
The temporary dams that were put in place by Canal & River Trust to contain the contaminated water, have now been removed following a decision made by the STAC group (scientific, testing advisory cell). Stop planks are still in place to contain the sediment in the former red zone. Initial sediment testing has been undertaken and the results are now being reviewed.
The aerators have now been demobilised and dissolved oxygen levels are looking good but are still being monitored.
Image: Aerators in the canal
The Canal & River Trust have set up an internal ‘Recovery Group’ which includes a range of Trust specialists including colleagues from operations, environment and asset management, dedicated to working on the response to this incident. A long-term project has been developed out of this, where we have devised an initial outline for a remediation strategy.
We have also received proposals from an ecological/environmental consultant specifically covering a range of biological/ecological testing and sampling. This will be able to provide a more comprehensive impact assessment on the ecosystem in the affected area, against an unaffected baseline elsewhere.
Your contribution has played a pivotal part in our response to the spill and will play a vital role as we uncover the environmental impacts. We invite you to share the link to our crowdfunding page with your family and friends. Your continued support is invaluable.
👉 https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/walsallspill
Thank you once again for being a crucial part of this campaign.
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