RCTA Update : 10/03/2018
Notes on a meeting between RCTA Chair Andrew Mills and our CRT liaison officer Peter Moore.
Trent Lock. 14th February 2018.
On-line licencing for Roving Traders:
Peter confirmed that this was now active. He had spoken to Amanda Crosland who said the transfer seemed to be going smoothly and no problems had been encountered so far. I reported that the feedback I had seen so far suggested it was working and people were pleased with it. I asked Peter to pass back our thanks to Amanda. Peter confirmed that the old manual systems including paying cash at the office will still continue if it was required by a trader.
‘Pop ups‘:
I had been asked to write to Peter asking for clarification of ‘pop ups’ and their advertising. The concern at the time was that there was a potential that RCTA members independently advertising a ‘pop up’ on social media and in local posters might inadvertently undermine confidence in the Association if we were mistakenly seen to be sidestepping agreed CRT procedures for floating market organisation. Apart from this concern I stressed RCTA were supportive of ‘pop ups’. Peter said he will be writing to outline the criteria for an ‘informal gathering’ of traders so that they know where they stand. From what he said I am expecting his letter to say exactly what we know already: that a ‘pop up’ or ‘informal meeting’ consists of a group of traders who have come together by chance or informal prior agreement but have not asked for a reserved length of mooring to be set aside for their exclusive use. They can advertise the pop up on their own social media as individual traders and can say ‘and by the way so and so is here as well’ but should not give the impression that it is a collective formal event or market and should not advertise it as such on posters etc. Although local CRT staff may have given the go-ahead and may even have encouraged a ‘pop up’ this is not the same as a formal floating market approval.
Peter was worried about traders overstaying and the range of misunderstandings about how long traders can stay in one spot. Apparently, Audlem is a hot spot for complaints but he did say the signage there is very confusing. A link explaining the rules for traders trading from winter & visitor moorings is HERE.
Peter suggested we should review everything RCTA related on the CRT web site. I reported that coincidentally we were doing that right now. He said their web site had got a bit old and some information needed refreshing.
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