The 2018 AGM is steadily creeping towards us and here’s a heads up that we will be wanting nominations for the committee this year.
Justina Evans is retiring as Secretary and we are seeking nominations for this role. If you are an active trader and have committee experience this is the role for you. Here is the excerpt from the constitution which describes the Secretary’s role: “… shall be responsible for the taking of minutes at general and committee meetings and then distributing these to other committee members. To digitally store all minutes and other documents that require storage as provided by other committee members. To retrieval of records when required. To record and monitor any requests for Special General Meetings and, if necessary call a Special General Meeting as required in section 6.2. To oversee the distribution of all papers and communications to members. To record all complaints and the responses to these complaints. To record items to include in meeting agenda. To record all votes.”
This sounds complicated but it is actually very straightforward. Systems have been established to support this role and can be further developed. If you find, having taken on the role, that there are times in the year when you very busy and it is all getting a bit difficult, other committee members will step forward to lend a hand. It is a trustee position at the heart of RCTA and offers the potential for the nominated person to help take the organisation on to its next step. As it is a trustee role your name will be put forward in a ballot at the AGM so any background information to support your nomination will be welcome.
Gillian Cookson is retiring from the steering committee and we are looking for at least one person to step forward to take her place but if there are two or even more people interested then that would be fantastic. After the 2018 AGM, committee members will hold office for two years and are then eligible for re-election. You are not required to enter a ballot for these committee roles, simply put your name forward as a willing volunteer!
RCTA is a very interesting project and the committee are in regular contact with each other using various platforms. It is early days in the life of RCTA and there is still lots to accomplish. If you feel you can contribute, please do not feel shy about putting your name forward to join the committee. You do not need to take on a particular role, just knowing that there are committee members participating in the discussion and contributing when they feel able is extremely helpful.
The AGM will be on the 28th September 2018 and nominations for the committee can be made to the Secretary before the meeting using or at the meeting.
From Andrew Mills
Chair RCTA
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