Martin Stubbins and Julie Stock, Julies Jugs

Julie Stock and Martin Stubbins
Julies Jugs Canal Art is run by Martin and Julie from our boat NB Ruby Louise.
Martin is a Waterways artist and a narrowboat owner. Having left school, many years ago, with qualifications in drawing and art, he changed direction into engineering and kept the artistic streak as a hobby. Still life, landscapes and seascapes in watercolour have always been favourites.
Latterly this hobby has surfaced again into canal art. So, when the engineering gets too much, and he needs a break from repairing boats, steam engines, vintage vehicles and all things mechanical, he produces hand painted items and canalware to adorn narrowboats. From water cans, to jugs, bowls, mugs – and anything else which will sit still long enough. He has studied this art form for many years, researched artists and styles and has now developed his own.
Julie is his partner. They run the business together, as they both have a passion for the canals, and the traditional art which adorns the boats.
They trade mainly on the GU around Braunston, the Leicester Line, and the Oxford Canal (north and south). Occasionally they will venture onto the Coventry Canal as far as Fazeley.
Trading on the canals for the last 5 years, they paint traditional style roses and castle scenes. They try to paint traditional items if they can obtain them, but will also supply painted enamelware.
Martin and Julie also run canal castle scene and canal rose painting courses at locations throughout the network.
They also like to take commissions, so if you have an item on your boat which you would like updating or painting in full then please do let them know.
Their website is They can also be found on Facebook and Instagram.
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