Details of Committee Roles
Tasks undertaken by committee members are as follows:
Chair: who shall be voted in by a majority members vote
Shall chair both general and committee meetings. Is responsible for ensuring that the Trustees have not been barred from holding such positions. Can cast an additional vote when there is a tie. The Chair, in conjunction with the Secretary & External PR volunteer, will be responsible for public liaison. An elected Chair should be a RCTA committee member.
Secretary: who shall be voted in by a majority members vote.
Shall be responsible for overseeing the distribution of correspondences and communications, internal & external, to members. Distribute trading opportunities to traders. To compile and list as many trading opportunities as possible, including RCTA markets, to be listed on the RCTA website. To record items to include in meeting agendas. To record all votes. Taking off minutes at general and committee meetings and distributing these to the other Committee members. To digitally prepare all minutes and any other documents that require storage, as provided by other Committee members.
To ensure members have access to meeting minutes and documentation as required. To record and monitor any requests for Special General meetings and, if necessary, call a Special General Meeting (as required in section 6.3.). To Record all complaints, and responses to complaints. To maintain, and keep tidy, the RCTA email server, distribute emails to members on a daily basis. The Secretary should be a person well versed with the trading community, the expectations and opportunities within that community from RCTA. Familiarity with WordPress, Outlook & One Drive would be advantageous.
Treasurer/Bookkeeper: (this can be a dual or single roles) who shall be voted in by a majority members vote.
Shall be responsible for maintaining accounts and ensuring financial safeguarding. Will also ensure that all financial transactions are in keeping with the aims and best interest of the Association. Inputting of invoices raised, and payments received, receipt keeping for supplier payments. Responsible in support of the Secretary for any paying Charity donations as voted for by the members.
Maintain the complete RCTA accounts in Quick Books, reconciling bank statements, and producing annual accounts for each AGM and monthly account summaries/updates to the committee and RCTA Members. Some form of accounting experience and a knowledge of the Quick Books system would be advantageous.
Six x Statutory Committee Roles. who shall be voted in by a majority members vote.
1.Vice Chair: (only taken up in the event of a Chair stepping down before an AGM).
In support of the Chair to temporarily step in and take over the role as required. Likewise in the event of the Chair stepping down unexpectedly until an SGM or AGM can be held.
2.Membership Admin/New Traders Liaison (Can be dual or separate roles):
who shall be responsible for keeping an up-to-date database of members, in liaison with the Website Manager, and ensuring all members adhere to the membership criteria, maintaining members’ information, and liaising with them to enable them to keep their information up to date.
Point of contact and support for new traders. Produce new members ‘good trading practises’ information. Help with getting started, booking events, queries on moorings and any other issues.
3.CRT and Traders Liaison:
Shall attend meetings with CRT as the RCTA representative, prepare meeting reports, and draft all correspondence with CRT for committee approval. Point of contact for traders experiencing issues with mooring, and/or licensing. If needed, can be raised to CRT to take further. Ideally a member who has worked with the Steering Committee and has experience of trading.
4. PR Communications/Newsletter:
In support of the Secretary and Website Manager, research and produce and promote a quarterly newsletter to all who sign up for the newsletter, including members. Regular bulletin communicating updates to members. Maintaining a list/calendar of festivals, events and markets; keeping RCTA floating markets and events up to date on the website in liaison with ‘Market and Event Coordinator’.
Sending Canal & River Trust and other news communications out to members, and posting them on the website as they come into RCTA. Knowledge of WordPress would be beneficial, but training can be given.
5. Market Coordinator:
Manage and book CRT applications to hold RCTA events, and liaise with CRT, or their bookings manager, throughout.
Working internally with membership and PR volunteers, to ensure eligibility to trade and maximum advertising exposure.
Organisation and updating of all supporting necessary documents as required, and sending them with event applications. Ensuring measurement of locations, and assessing moorings available, is undertaken appropriately.
Deciding the maximum number of boats that can trade at a set Floating Market location, communicating with traders booked via messenger groups and emails from booking to arrival at the venue, issuing refunds and adding bookings if required. Updating Fire Risk Assessments, Emergency Information, and Health and Safety documents as required for each venue.
Issuing and collating Feedback forms after markets. Making sure all One Drive folders applicable to RCTA markets/events are current, up to date, and hold all necessary information and documentation required to hold the event.
Working with other event organisers to secure priority trading places for members at non RCTA events.
This role needs to be undertaken by someone with a minimum 20hrs a week to spare at busy times of the year, familiar with the running of RCTA Floating Markets, and the ability to work with other event organisers to benefit RCTA Members.
6.Website Manager:
In support of the Secretary, maintaining and updating the website on a regular basis, producing a Featured Trader piece monthly, maintaining the Traders Directory; adding/building links; keeping members’ documentation accessible, in liaison with the Membership Admin and Secretary. Continuing to build and promote the website as appropriate, to support RCTA and its aims. Experience in WordPress would be highly recommended.
Other committee roles are as follows:
These roles can be assigned by the Steering Committee as required.
Market Coordinator Northern Support
Preparing a list of attendees for each market, and communicating this to Market Managers and other market volunteers. Producing site plans and mooring orders. Communicate with local/relevant CRT officials. Emailing any relevant market and H&S information to attendees. Training market attendees in market volunteer roles. To liaise closely with Market Coordinator, Market Admin and External PR, and overseeing events where possible.
This is a role for a member that participates in RCTA Floating Markets throughout the year in the northern area.
Market Admin:
Liaison with relevant local authorities, fishing clubs, canoe clubs and other local businesses. Keep updated folders with food traders EHO documents. Undertake any other tasks in support of the Market Coordinator as required.
PR Communications/Advertising:
In support of the Secretary and Market Coordinator manage general RCTA PR, including press releases, radio interviews, and advertising.
Explore new areas of external promotion for RCTA.
RCTA Facebook Admin and Market Facebook Admin:
In support of Market Coordinator, Market Coordinator Northern Support, and Secretary. Administration and moderation of ALL RCTA Facebook Pages and Groups. Answering questions from members and visitors. In support of Market Coordinator, Market Coordinator Northern Support, and Secretary. Boosting FB market posts at least one week before each market. Sharing market posts on all appropriate FB community and interest groups. Sharing traders posts to any traders groups and regional RCTA FB pages on a rolling basis as you see them. Controlling spam and trolling on RCTA FB Pages and Groups.
This role is suitable for someone on social media daily.
Artwork and Graphics Design Volunteer:
In support of Market Coordinator, Treasurer, and Secretary, arrange printing and distribution of posters/flyers to Market Managers, along with banners and flags as necessary. Design and File poster/flyer PDFs for members’ use, online communication and social media. Making sure each Market Manager is given banners, flags, posters and any other printed Market kit as appropriate. Order production of all market safety signage and distribution to market managers in conjunction with Markets Coordinator. This is a design role only not a production role.
Marketing & Development: (New Role)
Responsible in support of the Secretary, Membership Admin, and Market Coordinator, for identifying and pursuing new opportunities for expanding and benefiting the membership of RCTA, together with wider public awareness of the Association, along with suitable funding projects using RCTA donations. To continue with any projects already discussed, or underway, on behalf of RCTA.
Complaint/Dispute Liaison
To become involved only if a serious dispute/complaint has arisen that cannot be resolved solely by the other committee members via talks or the RCTA Grievance Procedure.