CRT Links
Below is a list of links you will find useful if you are considering becoming a Roving Canal Trader. If you are new to the idea of trading from your boat, you might think it is a bit overwhelming! However, it is a lot simpler that it may at first seem.
Don’t forget, we here to help – we have all been through this process, so if you find anything at all confusing, don’t hesitate to ask!
The Roving Canal Traders Association has a wealth of experience in working with CRT and Roving Traders and we are happy to assist you in the process of becoming a licenced trader in any way we can.
Becoming a Roving (or Fixed Location) Trader
Roving and Fixed Location Canal Traders’ Licence Fees
Boat Traders’ Terms and Conditions
Starting a Roving Canal Trading Business
Guidance for Boaters Without a Home Mooring
Boat Licence Customer Support Team
CRT Links