28 September 2020
The Canal & River Trust is reviewing the terms and conditions of its private boat licence and is inviting feedback from boaters on the proposed changes.
Most of the terms and conditions remain the same, but in a number of areas they have been made clearer or strengthened to protect both boat owners and the Trust. They were last updated in 2015.
Boat licence holders are encouraged to complete an online survey which highlights the changes between the proposed and existing terms and invites feedback on the changes. The consultation gets underway on 28 September and will run for twelve weeks.
Jon Horsfall, head of customer service support at Canal & River Trust, said: “It is important for boat owners and the Trust that licence terms and conditions are reviewed and kept up to date to ensure that the canals can be safely looked after and enjoyed. I encourage everyone to familiarise themselves with the proposed changes and let us have any feedback. The terms and conditions are there to ensure that the waterways are used fairly and safely by every boater who cruises on them, and to help us with the smooth running of the canals and rivers in our care. We want them to be as clear as possible so that everyone understands the part they play in making the waterways a pleasant place for all boaters.”
Boaters can get take part by clicking the link in the email they’ll receive on 28 September or by visiting www.canalrivertrust.org.uk/t&csconsultation. The Trust asks those who may need specific support to complete the consultation or without computer access to contact Customer Services to make arrangements to complete the survey.
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